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Your key to a natural all year round glowing TAN!

Australia's favourite place to Buy Melanotan 2 Tanning Injections and MT2 Nasal Spray from USA Suppliers.

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We offer top quality Melanotan II, the best prices and quick delivery. We are always at your service and can answer any of your questions should they arise. If you are looking to achieve an amazing tan? You have come to the right place.

We offer Melanotan 2 Tan starter kits injections & nasal. 

When you tan your entire body, you’re exposing all your skin to dangerous UV rays. If your skin regularly gets exposed to UV rays too much, it’ll cause health issues and skin issues for you.

Fortunately, Melanotan peptide can help you deal with these tanning issues by allowing your body to increase its production of melanin. Whenever your body suffers UV damage, it naturally responds by producing melanin. This is a peptide hormone which naturally darkens the skin in order to shield it from the damaging UV rays.

Where is the best place to buy Tanning injection Melanotan 2?

Why we have the best place to buy Melanotan 2. With us, melanotan 2 comes straight from the supplier itself, so our price is the lowest on the market and in addition we offer better quality tanning injection - melanotan 2.

Our melanotan is 99.2% purity as seen and described on the website. We guarantee delivery or full money back. We supply Melanotan 2 all over the world, without restrictions.

If purchasing Melanotan 2 within Australia it is available with next day delivery after the payment is processed.


MT-2 (Melanotan II) is a peptide made in a laboratory which acts like the natural Melanotan peptide produced in the body. The only difference is you don’t need much sun exposure to enjoy the tanning benefits of the peptide. By receiving the MT-2 from an external source, your body produces more melanin without needing a lot of UV exposure. Then you can get a tan without worrying about the hazards of prolonged UV exposure.

If you’re a fair-skinned person, this is a dream come true. You don’t need to burn your sensitive skin under the sun for weeks anymore just to get a tan. Instead, you can keep it safe with MT-2 and still get the tan that you’ve always wanted. People with skin type 1 or type 2 are the most ideal candidates for MT-2.

Let’s sum up the advantages:

Less Exposure to UV Rays – MT-2 does require some sun exposure but not much. You can get a nice tan in less time and with less UV exposure.

Prevent Skin Damage – Natural tanning is supposed to be the body’s way of protecting the skin when it is exposed to UV rays. But if you’re using MT-2 with less sun exposure, it’ll protect the deeper layers of your skin and give them more pigmentation too.

Tan Lasts Longer – If you stop using the MT-2, your tan should remain for a few months without needing sun exposure. This is different than a natural tan which goes away after a couple of days and requires frequent sun exposure.


Melanotan requires regular therapy treatments. After the beginning dosage is administered, regular maintenance is needed until the desired skin tone is achieved. There is no telling how much time it will take for these results to show up. You just need to consume the proper dosage and have patience throughout the process.

Melanotan 2 is available in vials with sterilized seals. Inside the vials is 10 milligrams of freeze-dried powder. Sterile water is needed to reconstitute the powder prior to its consumption. There is a reconstitution vial which is used for this. Once you’re done, keep the vial in the refrigerator to sustain its effectiveness.

One to two millilitres of sterile water is needed, but you can enhance the dosing accuracy by using more water to dilute it. There are peptide calculators on the internet to help you measure the proper dosage amount and reconstitute the right way.

You should only consume MT-2 through an injection. A lot of online suppliers try to sell MT-2 products that are supposedly easier to use, such as oral medication, oral powders, and nasal sprays. These products are not effective, so don’t waste your money on them.

However, some people claim that the nasal spray product has given them some results. The only problem here is the large peptide molecules which exist in the nasal products. It is difficult for them to make it through the nasal membrane. Because of this, the molecules are not all absorbed. A more cost-effective solution is to use the injection method because 100% of the molecules are absorbed that way. As for the pills, they won’t do anything because the peptides become inactive in the stomach.


The Fitzpatrick skin chart recognizes the differences in skin tones, from fair to dark. The chart separates the tones into six categories. This makes it simpler for people to know which skin type is more susceptible to damage while getting a tan.

The skin type categories include I, II, III, IV, V, and VI.

Fitzpatrick Skin Type


I - Very fair. Always burn, never tans.

II - Fair skin, always burns but occasionally tans.

III - Medium skin, sometimes burns, always tans.

IV - Olive skin, rarely burns, always tans.

V - Modestly pigmented brown skin. Never burns.

VI - Definite pigment, never burns, always tans.



An entire tanning season lasts for about three months or so. During this time, the amount of peptide that you must consume to keep your tan depends on your skin type.

Skin tone maintenance for 3 months after the loading phase: 10mg = 1 vial

Skin Type


I = 30 to 50mg

II = 20 to 30mg

III-VI = 10 to 20mg


An insulin syringe is the main piece of equipment that you’ll be using. International Units (IU) is used to measure insulin syringe volume.

  • 10 IU is equal to 0.1 ML

  • 100 IU is equal to 1 ML

For a 10-milligram peptide reconstitution, it’ll require an insulin syringe with 100 IU of sterile water. The liquid solution that you’ll receive from this has a 10 IU concentration, which equals 1 milligram. The dosing of the product concentration is simple from this point.

  • 1 mg = 10 IU

  • 0.5 mg = 5 IU

  • 0.3 mg = 3 IU

“Buymelanotan” is the best dosage calculator on the internet. Just take the time to learn the steps on how to use it, and it’ll be easy.



Intramuscular injection or subcutaneous injection is done to administer the product. It doesn’t really matter where the injection site is located. Whichever is comfortable and convenient to reach is just fine. Once the injection is done, your bloodstream will absorb the product. This will cause it to spread evenly to virtually every area of the body. If you choose a subcutaneous injection, the practitioner will pinch and lift your skin to loosen it away from the muscle. The needle of the syringe goes into the skin’s fatty tissue layer.



You only need a small dose in the beginning. About 0.3 mg should be good enough for your body to react. If you use a higher dose at first, you’ll experience unwanted symptoms like mild nausea and a flushed face. It is best to take a dose before bedtime in this case so that you can sleep through the bad symptoms. As you continue using the product, the side effects will go away. Then it won’t matter when you use the product.



You don’t need a loading dose unless you want the results to come quicker. Loading refers to regular dosing to get a faster tan. If you do this, then you’ll need to concern yourself with tan maintenance a lot faster too. Loading usually involves a 0.5-milligram dose taken one time per day, or whenever you’ve achieved the skin tone that you want. Each person’s loading dose may vary because of different factors like skin type and bodyweight. The standard is 0.5 mg, though.



When you’re finally happy with pigmentation of your skin, the next step is to take maintenance doses to sustain the skin tone. You won’t need to dose as much this time. But again, there are a lot of factors which influence the ideal maintenance dose that you need. These factors include body weight, type of skin, the rate that your skin is fading, amount of sun exposure, and your desired skin tone. You really must go through trial and error to determine the necessary dosing frequency that you need.

Here are a few examples:

  • Loading Dose – You take 0.5 milligrams daily. On every third day, you have a tanning session. You should achieve your desired skin tone after 10 days.

  • Maintenance Dose – You take 1 milligram one time per week along with a tanning session.



Even when you’re actively taking MT-2, you cannot avoid the sun completely. You still need to get a little bit of UV ray exposure in order to develop a good tan. Some people like to get it from sunlight while others prefer a tanning bed. You won’t get a tan if you don’t have at least some UV ray exposure.

You may notice that your tan appears suddenly within 36 hours after your skin has experienced UV ray exposure. That is why you must dose carefully and progressively.



Melanotan 2 does not prevent skin burns. You still have a responsibility to monitor how much time your skin is exposed to UV rays. You should know how long it will take before your skin starts to burn. In the beginning, burning happens a lot faster. But this will change once your skin becomes tan because then it’ll take longer for your skin to burn.



The best way to consume peptides is by getting an injection with an insulin needle. These are short and thin needles which you’ll hardly feel as they go into you



You must know which skin type you have, according to the Fitzpatrick scale. This will help you figure out your dosage amount. If you have Skin Type I, II, or III, then this product will be the most beneficial to you. But it will take a longer time for you to see any results, especially if your skin type is I or II. Once you have achieved your tan, then it is easy to maintain it.

If you have freckles, then they will get dark along with the rest of your skin. Don’t worry because this is only temporary. Besides, you won’t notice the freckles as much after your skin has become tanned and the tanning peptides stop.

Tanning peptides have a longer-lasting effect on skin pigmentation than a regular tan. You’ll likely stay tan for a couple of months, even after you stop the UV ray exposure. But if you were to get a tan from the sun, you’d lose it after a few weeks.



Melanotan 2 comes with some short-term post-injection side effects which last for a couple of days. This is a time period when your body needs to get used to the peptides. You might experience some facial flushes, less hunger, higher sex drive, and mild nausea. You can treat nausea with an over-the-counter antihistamine medication. Once your body stops getting the symptoms, you can stop taking the antihistamines.

It is better to take your dosage before bedtime and sleep through the symptoms. The higher the dosage, the more intense the symptoms will be. That is why you should only take smaller doses that are no more than 0.5 mg each, two times daily.

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